Explore the sweetest and ever cute written happy birthday paragraphs for your boyfriend. These birthday messages are suitable for both short and long distance boyfriends. The following romantically written birthday messages could be added in his birthday letter as well or you can read or text these long paragraphs to him over the phone. I believe one of the greatest gifts you can give your boyfriend on his birthday is the gift of loving yourself. The gift of honor and appreciation for your existence! The gift of knowing you are worthy of sincerity, honesty, transparency, healthy vulnerability, loyalty, and friendship. When you've evolved into these things, you are then giving your mate the whole and real you. Do not discount the days when it's just you. That's your time to grow in and become what you hope to give love.
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Happy birthday paragraph for him |
Cute Birthday Paragraphs for Your Boyfriend
Screaming Happy Birthday to the love of my life, I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend! Within these four years, you've taught me so much and I appreciate that. It seems like I'm the luckiest girl on earth right now because you make me feel as special as your girlfriend. I love you baby, Happy Birthday!
Happy dirty 30 Birthday to the love of my life, my best friend, and the father of our son me and our son both love you so much, babe. Thank you for always being the best boyfriend and father and always providing for our family. I love you so much and can't wait to spend many more birthdays with you.
Thanks so much for being the best boyfriend, friend, counselor, and lover, ever. Happy 25th birthday to the guy who's been giving me sweet dreams! Who gives me a reason to gleam? Who’s responsible for my smiles? Who makes life worthwhile? You mean everything and more, and I hope this birthday is the one of the best, and I can't wait to spend many more together! You're amazing and I love you so much. Again, Happy Birthday, love!
I want to wish a happy 21st birthday to the best boyfriend in the world. 21 have never looked so good! I hope this one is just as special as you are. You mean so much to me and only God knows truly how much. I love you so much. Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. I look forward to spending many more of these with you.
Happy 33rd birthday to my wonderful boyfriend! I know you hate birthdays and celebrations, but it’s hard not to celebrate what a wonderful man you are. You're the best dad, and a pretty decent boyfriend, I'm so happy you were brought into my life! Thank you for always putting my needs first, taking care of me when I'm sick or having a seizure. I love the way you always tell me I'm beautiful even when I don't feel it. Or when you kiss my face over and over and tell me how much I mean to you. I wish I could put into words how much you truly mean to me and tell you what kind of impact you have made in my life. Overall, thanks for being you. That's all I'll ever need.
I wanted to be the first to say happy birthday to my amazing boyfriend (even though it’s not 12 since I’ll be out before then)! Finally that big 1-7! I love you so much! We will be hitting 11 months next month and I can’t wait till we hit a year. You always have that good vibe to be with. You’re such a gentleman; you’re really smart and fun to be around. Most of all I’m glad to have you in my life.
Happy Birthday my amazing boyfriend!! I’m so glad you have been the one by my side these last 9 months! And I can't wait for many more months and many more birthdays between the two of us. You have taught me so much and I couldn't be happier with anyone else. Thank you for being the love of my life! I love you.
Happy birthday to the love of my life! Thank you for making life so fun and never failing to make me smile. You are such a wonderful man and I am one lucky girl to have a boyfriend like you! You, not only are you the world’s best boyfriend, but you are the best friend I could have ever asked for. I can’t wait to celebrate more birthdays to come!
Happy birthday to the sweetest, kindest, goofiest, selfless, amazingly perfect man! I am lucky enough to call you my boyfriend. Life is so much sweeter when you're around. I love you to the moon and back. I can't think of anyone better for him to celebrate this birthday with. I hope you're ready for your fun filled birthday.
A huge happy birthday to the handsome, intelligent, hilarious, adventurous, thoughtful human I get to call my boyfriend! Being with you the last few months has taught me a lot about myself and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm sorry you have the busiest girlfriend in the world this weekend but please know how much I care about you and promise to make it up to you! I hope you have a great day and I'll see you tonight after we win some softball games.
Happy birthday to my most loving boyfriend! Please know that I’m always here to listen when life outside becomes overwhelming. Thank you for being my spiritual companion. Let's continue to serve God with all our hearts.
I find myself so thankful to God because he sent someone as sweet as you in my life. Thank you so much for everything and for loving me the way you do. Happy birthday my universe, you are the sweet, loving and caring boyfriend of me. I wish you always stay the same and you are blessed with all the happiness, health, joy and prosperity in life.
Happy Birthday Message for Boyfriend Long Distance
I want to give the biggest birthday shout out to my amazing boyfriend! Thank you for everything you have done and will do for us. You are not only the love of my life but my best friend, partner in crime, and the person I can be my crazy self around. You always know how to put a smile on people's faces and make anyone laugh and that's why I love you so much, I hope you have a great day baby I can't wait to spend the rest of the night with you when I get off work. Whenever long distance hits us, instead of committing hurtful things, we think of our goals for our respective families, and the family which we will build in the future
I am so incredibly proud to say you're my boyfriend. You're so sweet and funny and talented. And you go along with all my dumb shenanigans. You inspire me and push me to be the best I can be. You're always there for me and you try your best to take care of me. I love you, you big butthead. Thank you so much for being in my life. I can't believe this is the 3rd birthday I'm spending with you. Here's too much more.
Happy birthday to the most miraculous boyfriend in the world!! To my man, my life, my soul mate, my world. Thank you so much for everything. You were with me during my happy moments and even during those difficult times. On this special day, I wish nothing but the best, for you to get that title, that all your dreams come true and most especially for you to be happy all the time because you deserve all beautiful things in life.
If someone would've said a year ago that you would be the love of my life, I would've thought they were lying. Now I have the honor to wish you the best happy birthday in the world! I'm so thankful for you being in my life every single day. Being able just to call you my boyfriend puts the biggest smile on my face. I'm glad I could surprise you this morning, and I'm very glad I get to spend the whole day with you! I hope your birthday is everything you want it to be, and so much more. I love you cupcake, and happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a very special person, an awesome husband and dad! Thank you for being strong and courageous. We appreciate you and we love you. God is the center of your life and we will always be great full that he gave us you. You always such a positive person who amazes us, God bless you always with good health and strength. Enjoy being spoilt this weekend.
They say distance makes love grow fonder, but for couples who are in long-distance relationships, just how do they keep the love and faith strong? I hope it is the best birthday yet! I am so thankful that I get to share this birthday with you! God brought you into my life 3 years ago, and I have finally figured out why. I love you more than words can describe! I know it's soon but you make me so happy and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us!
I've loved you from the time I heard you sing, I've loved you from the time you were my manager, I've loved you, even more, when we fought, I've loved you when you were my boyfriend, I've loved you when you are my husband, I've loved you when you became a father to our lovely child And I've loved you, even more, every time I said I didn't love you A very Happy birthday and thank you for coming into my life, this day is the most special to me cause it gave you to me. Happy birthday!
A True Birthday Story
A friend of mine took me to a birthday party a few days ago. A girl was having her birthday party that day and a lot of people were there giving her birthday gift. Some gave her flowers, her manager in the office gave her television set, a guy believes to be her second boyfriend gave her a refrigerator set. Her big brother gave her generator. While others gave her laptops, smartphones, cloths and many other gifts. But all this did not make her happy as she was uneasy expecting her boyfriend to come.
Few minute later her boyfriend showed up, but this time he didn't come with his Land-Rover, rather he came with a new Nissan Infiniti Fx45 SUV. He brings out a gift well wrapped from the car and went straight into the hall where the birthday party was going on. He went to where her girlfriend was standing with her friends, kissed her and gave her the gift. With full of joy and contented she could not wait but unwrapped the gift immediately without bouldering to keep it till after the party, believing it will be the most expensive gift she will ever receive that day. But she was shocked and disappointed when she opens the wrap to find out it was just a loaf of bread. With anger and frustration, she throws the bread back to his boyfriend and ran towards the restroom. The bread falls down and opens from where it sliced and a key and engagement ring fallout from the bread. The man did not hesitate but went back and picked up the engagement ring which he planned to give to her girlfriend as a surprise gift and the key to the infinity fx45 he wanted to present to the girl as her birthday gift and left.
When the girl realized that, she rushed to her boyfriend and started begging him to forgive her, that she was so sorry, that she was angry and disappointed when she saw the bread, she thought it was only a loaf of bread. But then it was too late because the guy pulled off her grip and said to her, I don't think you are my wife to be, otherwise, God would have allowed you to accept the gift from me no matter how little it may look. I am sorry but I believe God knows about this incident, bye. The guy left and that was how the girl lost a Fx45 SUV, engagement ring and ended up a three years relationship.
We should learn how to accept a gift from somebody no matter how little the gift may look. A present or a gift that seem so small in your eyes may turn out to be the biggest one ever! Always accept a gift given to you with a whole heart no matter what, who knows it may turn out to be the same gift you have being longing to have.
Long Birthday Paragraphs for Him
A very special birthday wish goes out to someone who is so dear; you are not only my boyfriend but also my best friend. Thank you so much for coming into my life and been simply a blessing, I just want to wish you a very happy birthday love. You have honestly grown into such an amazing person. I'm so proud to say that you are my boyfriend, you are truly one of a kind and it's been a pleasure been your girlfriend. On this special day, I wish you nothing but love and joy and I pray that God showers his richest blessings upon my love. I pray you have many more years to come and many more birthday to come and also for you to spend them with me, baby. Thank you for been the person you are, I've known you for a while now and it's been really an honor to be with someone like you. Hope and wish you have an amazing day my love and I love you unconditionally.
Happy birthday to my boyfriend, best friend and my world, you are one of the persons I love most in this life and although. We are not physically together, there was no way I would not send you these greetings to let you know I think of you and I wish you the most beautiful things in life. Ever since I found you what I like you to do the most is to keep you in my mind and think about how happy we are when we're together soon. I love you and I want you to know that no matter what happens I will always be there for you no matter where you are or how you are, you are and will always be the greatest love of my life today. There’s nothing more I could have asked for in a boyfriend. To me, you are perfect. Your next birthday might find you in jail, for stealing my heart.
Happy birthday to the love of my life! You're absolutely amazing and I’m so lucky to have you. You've been nothing but the best boyfriend these last couple years. I just want to say thank you for everything you do for me! Moving in together has been so amazing, and I can’t wait to experience our future adventures together! I hope you enjoy what I have planned for us today. I love you more than anything! Waking up next to you is a dream come true and it's all I've ever wanted. I am so in love with you. You were my missing puzzle piece and with you, I feel complete. You make me so happy. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us! There is no one else I'd rather have by my side.
Happy birthday my prince! Today I just want you to know how much I love and adore you. How much of a blessing you are to me. Babe thank you for just being you and doing what you do u truly are the best boyfriend/best friend any girl can ask for but I’m the lucky one and for that, I will forever be grateful to the Almighty. You are my infinity and beyond my everyday smile, you mean more to me that you will ever know. I pray to God that all your heart's desires come true and I know He will bless you with many more years to your life with me by your side for I have placed our relationship in his hands. May you have the best birthday; you deserve nothing but the best! I love you, honey, forever and always, you mean the world to me.
Today is an extremely important day! It's the king's birthday! Thank you for being everything that you are to me! You're more than just a boyfriend. You're my personal comedian, my superman, my other half, my heart, my boo, my lover, my bff, my prayer partner, the absolute love of my life and the person who knows me best. I pray that today is as wonderful and amazing as someone like you deserves! You deserve the best of everything that life has to offer! I admire your caring spirit, your love for family and most of all your passionate love for God! Today is your day and this weekend is yours and we're going to celebrate like never before! Happy birthday, baby! I love you more than any dictionary can define! I am so proud of you and all of your many accomplishments! I pray that God continues to bless you tremendously! I love you so very much baby.
Related: Birthday letter for Him
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